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Strategic Management-Planning for Domestic and Global Competition(14版)
Strategic Management-Planning for Domestic and Global Competition(14版)
作者: John A. Pearce II, Richard B. Robinson
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化博客來網路書店
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2016/02/03
- 語言:英文
商業理財Strategic Management-Planning for Domestic and Global Competition(14版)全書的內容大意
1.Cases that offer a diverse set of very contemporary business situations drawn from companies worldwide, which are written by some of the world’s best case writers, and reflect the breadth of structural change underway in the global economy today.
2.This text uses a model of the strategic management process as the basis of its organization – this key distinctive competence of the text offers a logical flow, distinct elements, and an easy-to-understand guide to strategic management.
3.The central themes of globalization, ecommerce, information technology, speed and continuous improvement will receive heightened treatment across every chapter.
4.Several concrete or conceptual tools reviewers have considered to be given excellent coverage have been included in this edition with updated treatment, new examples and practical guidelines for students to use in applying the concepts.
5.Contemporary examples, using companies students will recognize and find comfort in their familiarity, are integrated throughout the text.
6.Strategic Management includes major emphasis on women and minority executives in global companies.
小丑之花:太宰治《人間失格》創作原點 | 憂國:暴烈美學的極致書寫,三島由紀夫自選短篇集 | ||
師匠系列:師事 | 好想她去死 |
作者: John A. Pearce II, Richard B. Robinson
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2016/02/03
- 語言:英文
Strategic Management-Planning for Domestic and Global Competition(14版)
小丑之花:太宰治《人間失格》創作原點 | 憂國:暴烈美學的極致書寫,三島由紀夫自選短篇集 | ||
師匠系列:師事 | 好想她去死 |
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Strategic Management-Planning for Domestic and Global Competition(14版)那裡買,Strategic Management-Planning for Domestic and Global Competition(14版)價格,#GOODS_NAME#特賣會,Strategic Management-Planning for Domestic and Global Competition(14版)評比,#GOODS_NAME#部落客 推薦
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Strategic Management-Planning for Domestic and Global Competition(14版)
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